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Header Editor is a program with a graphical user interface which allows Microsoft Word users to easily edit the headers of large numbers of word files at once. The program is built for ease of use, and is available for both Mac and Windows. Note that this program will only modify the headers for a batch of word documents if the word documents already have similar headers to one another. A short tutorial is coming soon, but until then basic usage instructions can be found by clicking the "usage help" button once the application has been started.

Header Editor

An Android application which generates a near range depth map, using elementary depth from focus techniques. The user takes a photo, and a corresponding depth map is generated. The depth map will primarily be in greyscale, with white corresponding to near proximity. Red indicates that not enough data is given for the phone to know the distance.

This application is a proof of concept prototype, and thus has many issues. The application is only guaranteed to run correctly on the LG G5. However, it may or may not run on any android phone which has manual focus as part of the Camera2 API. Expect the depth map to be grainy, and often inaccurate.

Privacy Policy:

This application does not save your photos, nor does any data leave your phone as a result of this application. Photos will only be taken upon application startup and when the "Take Another Photo" button is pressed.

Header Editor


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